NB. Masks on headbands and (of course) masks on sticks are suitable for people who wear glasses. People have got excited about wearing masks since the 12th Century, so our 21st Century love affair with disguise is hardly a new phenomenon. And, let’s face it, there’s something rather sexual and glamorous about concealing ones identity at a party! There are, of course, degrees of disguise. A mask held on a stick and wafted gently about one's face is unlikely to confuse that many of your friends as to the identity of its wearer, whereas a full-face mask (especially if worn in conjunction with a wig) might well keep them guessing for a while. In any event, a masquerade ball is a lot of fun, so it’s not really surprising that it’s enjoying a bit of a renaissance. The music has certainly changed over the years, but the concept is still the same as it was when Henry Fielding wrote Tom Jones. Fortunately, these days the plumbing’s better! At JustMasks we stock a comprehensive inventory of masquerade masks, and are bound to have something to suit you and the occasion for which the mask is required. We have feather masks for the ladies; rather less elaborately decorated masks for the gentlemen; masks on sticks (great for people who wear glasses - and also, possibly, for those feeling a tad coquettish); masks on headbands (which are also suitable for spectacle wearers); masks that tie with ribbons, and masks that are secured, almost invisibly, with thin elastic. We stock masks of different colours, masks made of different materials and masks to suit different budgets. Whatever the occasion and whatever your budget, we’ll have something for you. - So, whether you’ve been invited to an elegant, masquerade ball, a prom party, a stag or hen do (at which masks are becoming an increasingly popular prerequisite) or you’re merely intending to spend a romantic evening at home, with a bit of added spice, JustMasks will be delighted to help with your selection. Our aim is to provide you with a smooth transaction. We are 100% customer-focused.